Κυριακή, 29 Σεπτεμβρίου 2024

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Τρίτη, 12 Ιουλίου 2011
Σχολές - Τμήματα   Διάφορα Θέματα   Επικαιρότητα   Άρθρα
Υποτροφίες για το εξωτερικό

1.Post Doctoral Research Associate - Development and Integration of Biomass and Concentrating Photovoltaic System for Rural and Urban Energy Bridge: BioCPV

2.Postdoctoral Fellow to Study Mechanisms of IBD Susceptibility

3.Postdoctoral Fellow - Computational Genomics

4.Postdoctoral Research Officer, College of Health & Behavioural Sciences

5.Post-doctoral Researcher Polymer Chemistry

6.Post-Doc in Development of reference Materials for the Calibration of Quantitative Measurements of Nucleic Acid

7.Postdoctoral Fellow-European Bioinformatics Institute

8.Postdoc Position: Surface Boundary Mixing and Remote Sensing

9.Post Doc in Transcriptome-Wide RNA Structure Analysis

10.Post Doctoral Research Associate - Development and Integration of Biomass and Concentrating Photovoltaic System for Rural and Urban Energy Bridge: BioCPV

11.Postdoctoral Research Assistant - Integrated reactive transport modelling of dolomitisation

12.Phd position - Development of composites for windmill blades

13.Postdoctoral Fellowship Job - Facility Design and Health

14.Post Doctoral Fellowship Job - Chronic Disease Management

15.PhD in Business History and Management

16.PhD in Labour Studies

17.PhD or postdoctoral position in the Economic Evaluation of Soil Ecosystem Services - at the University of Iceland, in the collaboration with JRC at ISPRA

18.PhD in Political Studies

19.PhD Fellowships within Criminology and Sociology of Law

20.PhD in Sociology

21.Postdoc position (MD or PhD) in Neuroimmunology / Innate Immunity

22.Postdoctoral fellowship Parkinson’s disease

23.Postdoctoral Position in Computational Proteomics

24.De Montfort University: Postgraduate and Research Opportunities

25.PhD position for research on star formation and AGN activity

26.Techniques for the analysis and the organization of information contents

27.Junior Clinical Training Scholarships in Small Animals

28.DFL Postgraduate Scholarship for International Students, South Africa

29.Netherlands : PhD Engineering and integration of electrical domain-wall memory devices

30.Germany : PhD position in Neuroethology

31.Netherlands : 2 Ph.D. positions at TU-e in ENLIGHT project

32.phd scholarship in pharmacy

33.Research Associate Scholarships in Medical Statistics at University of Bristol, UK

34.PhD Studentship Scholarship at School of Biology, Newcastle University, UK

35.Postdoctoral Scholarships in Information Management at University of Sao Paulo, Brazil

36.Graduate Research Position in the Field of Wireless Communications and Signal Processing, Canada

37.Postdoctoral Fellowship in Law 2011-12 by Monash University, Australia

38.Ph.D. Scholarship in Ecological Parasitology, Belgium

39.Newcastle University The Berrington PhD Scholarship in Politics, UK

40.Doctoral Position in Environment Engineering, University of Trento, Italy

41.International Postdoctoral Research Scholarships in University of Edinburgh, UK

42.Postdoctoral Scholarships in Horticulture at University of Sao Paulo, Brazil

43.PhD Studentship in School of Medicine 2011 at The University of Manchester, UK

44.Postdoctoral/Research Scientist Position – Stem Cell Research and Epigenetics at University of Oslo, Norway

45.2 PhD Studentships:Consistency of Software Artefacts in a Model Oriented Environment, Ireland

46.Master Studentship in Systems Biology at Institute for Molecular Biology, Germany

47.PhD Studentship:Meso-scale Models for Heat and Vapor Transport in Storage Mate, Netherlands

48.Previous Scholarship:Stochastic Electromagnetic field Analysis and Design, Netherlands

49.Postdoctoral Position:Self-assembled Quantum Dots for Laser Applications, Netherlands

50.2011 PhD Studentship in Computational Epigenomics at Institute of Molecular Biology gGmbH, Germany

51.PhD Position on Semantics and Verification of Accelerator Programming at University of Twente, Netherlands

52.IGB Fellowship in Freshwater Science at Leibniz-Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries, Germany

53.PhD Position at the Department of Education and Child Studies, Leiden University, Netherlands

54.PhD Studentship in Health and Life Sciences, University of Liverpool, UK

55.Postdoctoral Fellowship in Bioinorganic Chemistry at University of Edinburgh, UK

56.MRC Clinical Research Training Fellowship in Bio-medical Sciences, UK 2012

57.Marie Curie Individual Fellowships funded by European Commission at University of Malta, Malta 2011

58.PhD Studentship in School of Medicine, The University of Manchester, UK

59.PhD Study in Development Geography at University of Copenhagen 2011, Denmark

60.PhD Fellowship in Analytical Chemistry at University Copenhagen in Denmark

61.msc by research in aerodynamics at cranfield university

62.Fully Funded PhD Studentship in School of Pharmacy, University of Manchester, UK

63.fonaso fellowship in environment natural resources and geography at bangor university

64.PhD Research in Social and Economic History 2011, Netherlands

65.PhD in Philosophy at University of Vienna, Austria

66.PhD Fellowship in Medical Science 2011 by University of Oslo, Norway

67.Netherlands : PhD position: Stochastic electromagnetic field analysis and design

68.Netherlands : PhD student-Meso-scale models for heat and vapor transport in storage mate

69.Australia : PhD Scholarships, Ecosystem Function and Environmental Change

70.Germany : PhD position in aquaculture research

71.Germany : PhD Student Position in the Field of Structural Bioinformatics

72.Post graduate/biodiversity

73.Characterization of local ecotypes

74.Analysis of local ecotypes

75.Neurodynamic models of attention and consciousness, and development of a control system for the humanoid robot iCub

76.Direct transformation of the near field - far field from data acquired on a cylindrical surface, and its experimental validation

77.Measurements of hadron experiment reinterpretation Opera

78.Modeling of heterogeneous catalytic reactors

79.Processes of production of coal ultra

80.Genomics applied in Italian heavy pig breeding

81.Testing technologies for the stabilization of food myths and components with high nutritional value

82.Advanced genomics research to identify pig genes controlling fat deposition and fatty acid composition

83.Taxonomy and Phylogeny of Mediterranean termites


85.Annual and perennial lignocellulosic biomass crops for energy

86.PhD Projects in Time-predictable Multi-Core Architecture for Embedded Systems

87.PhD Projects in Time-predictable Multi-Core Architecture for Embedded Systems

88.Kyoto College Scholarships Postdoctoral Research Energy Science in the Age of Global Warming, Japan

89.Bristol University College Postdoctoral Research Assistant at the School of Biochemistry, UK

90.postgraduate students in the full range of discipline relevant to the biological and rural sciences

91.Belgium: Research Assistant / PhD Candidate, The department of Pneumology and Biosystems, K U Leuven

92.phd scholarship in psychology

93.PhD Position in the Department of Geography and Geology, University of Copenhagen, Denmark

94.PhD Scholarship in Experimental Stereo Vision Studies of Flow and Structural Effects on Wind Turbines, Denmark

95.PhD Scholarship in the Dynamics of Assembly of Multi-Protein Complexes at University of Copenhagen, Denmark

96.PhD Scholarship in Electromechanical Drivetrain Simulation at DTU, Denmark

97.PhD Scholarship in Two-dimensional Rotor Plane Wind Data Retrieval – HTF Wind Lidar, Denmark

98.PhD Scholarship in Wind Turbines and Aero-acoustic Noise, Denmark

99.Mesoscale simulations of thermodiffusion in complex fluids

100.PhD position in tumor cytoskeletal dynamics

101.PhD Position in Computational Neuroscience

102.Pharmacology of Mechanosensory Stimulus Transduction

103.Open Source Developer / Industrial Licentiate at SciLifeLab, Stockholm, Sweden

104.PhD Position in Biophysics of Collective Cell Migration

105.Doctoral Student in Immunology / Neuroscience

106.Molecular Simulation Studies of DNA Damage and Repair

107.The art and science of patient-centred practice: what do students learn from talking with and about patients

108.PhD Studentship in molecular gastrointestinal oncology

109.PhD fellowships in Plasmonic, University of technology of Troyes, France

110.Research Assistant - PhD Candidate in Engineering

111.PhD Scholarship in Integrated Aero-servoelastic Design Optimization of Wind Turbine Rotors, Denmark

112.PhD Scholarship in Offshore Wind Turbine Foundation Design, Denmark

113.Colorectal Surgical Research Fellowship Position at Queen Mary, University of London, UK

114.4-Year Funded PhD Research Studentship in Biomedical Fluid Dynamics at NUI Galway, Ireland

115.Scholarship for Master’s and PhD Students in Biology at McGill University, Canada

116.Research Fellowship in the Department of Energy & Sustainable Development at De Montfort University, UK

117.PhD Research in Social and Economic History at Utrecht University, Netherlands

118.2 PhD Fellowships in the Department of Biochemistry at Max Planck Institute for Chemical Ecology, Germany

119.Postdoctoral Research Position in the Department of Biosciences, University of Helsinki, Finland

120.Postdoctoral Position in STM/Nanoplasmonic at Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden

121.Postdoctoral Position in the Division of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, University of Helsinki, Finland

122.DTU offers PhD Scholarship:Plasmonic Supported Optical Spectroscopy, Denmark

123.3 Year PhD Scholarship in Public Engagement with Cleantech Innovation in the School of Communications, Dublin City University

124.PhD scholarships available at the Faculty of Science and Technology

125.Changes in chromatin modifications in response to DNA damage and cancer

126.Postdoctoral Position, Protein Biogenesis, Medical Research Council, UK

127.Open PostDoc Positions at Software Technology Group, TU Darmstadt, Germany

128.PhD Positions in Ecosystem Science (Biodiversity, Water, Carbon, Vulnerability, Socio-Economic), The University of Melbourne, Australia

129.PhD Position in Novel Aerospace Materials, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands

130.PhD Position in Nature-inspired Membranes, University of Twente, The Netherlands

131.PhD Position in Effect of Nanoparticles in Membrane Filtration, University of Twente, The Netherlands

Πηγή: www.alfavita.gr 
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