Κυριακή, 02 Ιουνίου 2024

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Πανελλαδικές 2024 - Μηχανογραφικό 2024

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Δευτέρα, 7 Ιανουαρίου 2013
Μαθητές - Φροντιστήριο - Σχολείο - Πανεπιστήμιο   Διάφορα Θέματα
24 υποτροφίες σε φοιτητές Ιατρικής και Βιοεπιστημών για συμμετοχή στο 2o Θερινό Σχολείο Έρευνας και Διοίκησης
 To expose prominent graduate and undergraduate students of medical and biosciences background from Greece and abroad to knowledge given by top-notch experts from the most advanced medical and biosciences research centers. Also, to familiarize the students with “reall life” situations that scientists from Academia or the Pharmaceutical and Biotechnology industry deal with on daily basis.

Science Focus Research broadly related to Cancer, Immunology, Cardiovascular and Neuroscience clinical, basic science, bioengineering or biotechnology, and public health problems.

Disciplines Applications are encouraged for students of all basic biomedical disciplines as well as epidemiological, behavioral and clinical investigations.

Target Audience At the time of application, the applicant must be a medical or biosciences (Biology, Biochemistry, Genetics, Bioengineering, Pharmacy etc.) undergraduate or graduate (MSc. MPhil, PharmD or PhD) student.

At the time of participation in the Summer School, the applicant may hold a BSc, MD, MSc or PhD degree (for applicants that they are in their final year of undergraduate or graduate studies).

Average grade in the transcript for undergraduate and MSc students must be at least 75% of the highest possible grade (or B+). For PhD students.a MSc degree of at least 75% of the highest possible grade (or B+) and successful passing of the PhD qualifying exams are required.

24 students will be selected based on their academic record and will be sponsored for the following expenses:
- Staying at the Kinsterna Hotel (May 26 - June 2, 2013) in Agios Stephanos, Monemvasia, Laconia
- Transfer to Sparta
- Staying at the Maniatis Hotel (June 2 - 4, 2013)

16 additional students, who meet excellence criteria, will be selected by the scientific board to participate without coverage of their accommodation expenses. Hotel staying cost for the non-sponsored students will be approximately 400 euros/person for the entire 10-days program.

Application Review Criteria To judge the merit of the application, reviewers will comment on the following criteria.

  1. Academic record of the applicant
  2. Awards that indicate academic excellence
  3. Original peer-review publications (especially for graduate students)
  4. Quality of the statement of purpose regarding future plans of the applicant and use of the English language
  5. Extracurricular activities that indicate outstanding service to the community or leadership skills (minor)

Applicants should never contact the scientific board or reviewers regarding their applications. Discussing  an application or attempting to influence review outcome will constitute a conflict of interest in the review. Reviewers must notify the WHBA executive board if an applicant contacts them.

For any questions that the applicants may have they should refer to the WHBA executive board


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